Important Reminders for a Stress-free Holiday

As we enter into another holiday season, Human Resources would like to remind you of the resources available to you for your overall health and wellbeing.  We realize it can be a stressful time for some and that having information at your fingertips to address concerns like anxiety, sleeplessness, depression, and sudden change may make this time of year easier.

We have compiled a list of providers with their contact information for your convenience during this time.  We have also included the information for our new prescription medication manager, SmithRx, who will be available to the Williams community on January 1, 2021.  Until then, Blue Cross Blue Shield can be contacted for prescription needs.

A few reminders for a smooth transition to 2021:

  • For those participating on the Williams medical insurance, please watch for new ID cards that should arrive in the mail shortly for both the Blue Cross Blue Shield medical plans and the new SmithRx prescription drug coverage.
  • Given the projected delays in the mail service this season, we suggest requesting a buffer supply of medications that are taken on a regular basis.
  • Reach out to resources like the Health Advocate Employee Assistance Program (free and confidential) as needed.
  • Register electronically on BCBS MyBlue, SmithRx, Headspace (our new emotional wellbeing and meditation resource), and other provider platforms to have access to electronic ID’s and other resources via computer or mobile applications.

We hope you have a safe and stress-free holiday!