Internal Arts Meets the Arts! (January 2024)

What? Internal Arts Meets the Arts! A QiGong exploration in the WCMA spaces

When? Tuesday, January 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 12:15–1:30 p.m. 

Where? Williams College Museum of Art

Learn QiGong basics while exploring how various artwork affects our energy. This series of classes will introduce Qigong postures, breath and movement while engaging works of art to deepen internal awareness and wellness. At the end of each session we will have an opportunity to reflect on our practice. 

Guided movement and stretches are gentle for any age or condition, can be done standing or sitting on a stool in the galleries and taken at your own pace. Please feel free to bring a notebook.

Notes: This series is FREE to any Williams employee. Registration is required via this Google form. No food or drink is allowed in the gallery spaces. 

Instructor and Facilitator: Zeffa Kinney is a Dharma teacher in the Buddhist Middle-Way tradition and 30-year practitioner of Taoist internal arts.