Qi Gong Internal Arts w/Zeffa Kinney

Fridays 12 – 12:55pm 

Greylock Studio 

The practice of Taoist Internal Arts focuses on the cultivation of Qi, opening the lymphatic system, and conducting energy along connective tissue. In the short term, it deepens body awareness and increases circulation. We will practice the forms of standing WuJi, the Ji Ben set and taoist breathing techniques. Participants will be asked to follow guided standing and movement with gentle stretches for any age or condition. Maximum 20 participants.


Zeffa Kinney is a lifelong student of somatic healing practice, a Dharma and meditation teacher in the Buddhist Middle-Way tradition and 30-year practitioner of Taoist internal arts including TaiQi, Qigong and Nei gong. She has studied with a variety of teachers including many years with Master C.K. Chu before finding Lotus Nei Gong’s instructors, Damo Mitchell and Sophie Johnson in 2017.

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