The Art of Practice (Wednesdays, 3/3 to 3/24)

Wednesdays, March 3, 10, 17, and 24

4:30 to 5:45 pm, via Zoom



A daily practice provides a way to pay regular attention to something that is important to you.  This could be any creative or mindful practice, including (but not limited to) yoga, meditation, music, journaling or writing. We don’t often understand how this is different than attending a regular yoga class or other type of instruction. With daily practice, you can nurture the ability to pay attention to your own consciousness and lead yourself. The benefits are plentiful: increased focus, energy, calm and even overall health.

This workshop is ideal for you if you have been thinking about starting a daily practice, or currently have one but have found yourself struggling to maintain. In this group, Bernice Lewis will facilitate a small supportive community through sharing and discussion.  No power points or lectures.  Instead, each week, Bernice will draft and send out a short reading/exercise and the group will explore their responses together. The goal is to define a rewarding path towards pursuing your personal goals.

This workshop series is free of cost and open to spouses and partners of employees as well as all Williams employees. Please register through this link by March 2.

Facilitator: Bernice Lewis, M.ED, RYT is a professional musician who has had a daily yoga practice for over forty years.  She is certified at the 500 hour level and has had the privilege of studying with innumerable masters, including B.K.S. Iyengar, Bikram Cloudhary, Amrit Desai, Beryl Birch Bender, Emilie Conrad D’aoud, Michael Lee, George Purvis, etc.  She has also studied and practiced Kundalini Yoga, Continuum, and Pilates Method.

Her teaching reflects the influences of all of these wonderful disciplines, as well as her decades spent as a performing singer/songwriter. In addition, she has led workshops and retreats around the world, is a published poet, and serves as a Artist Educator in schools on her family’s lived experience in the Holocaust. For more information see