The Benefits Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the VP of Finance and Operations. The Committee is a resource of knowledgeable Staff and Faculty who assist in the analysis of existing health benefits and advocate for comprehensive benefits that meet the needs of a diverse workforce.
- To study existing health benefit programs and their impact on Faculty, Staff, and College goals;
- To help define alternatives and improvements to benefits that should be considered; and
- To improve the quality of information available to Faculty and Staff and to contribute to an understanding of their needs by conducting or supporting surveys of employee opinion on benefits as needed.
Contact Us
Please use the Contact Us form to submit questions or comments to the Benefits Committee.
At a minimum, the Committee shall consist of:
Two (2) Faculty, to include a representative from the Faculty Compensation Committee
Three (3) Staff
While no special skills are required of Committee members, members should have an interest in the benefits package and represent the diversity of the College’s workforce.
Current Members (2023-2024)
Simone Anderson, Human Resources
Leslie Perra, Human Resources
Megan Childers, Human Resources
Emily Bourguignon, Development
Susan Godlonton, Economics
Danielle Gonzalez, Human Resources
Kate Heekin, Admissions
Jim Mahon, Political Science
Hale O. Polebaum-Freeman, Libraries
Jill St. John, Dining Services
Mike Wagner, VP Finance and Operations, Treasurer
Nate Wiessner, Theatre Department
Chris Winters, Provost’s Office
Immediate Past Members
Ralph Bradburd, Economics