What I learned about my vocation after students suddenly disappeared: An invitation to listening and reflection (4/23)

The Rev. Valerie Bailey Fischer, Chaplain to the Colege

What I learned about my vocation after students suddenly disappeared: An invitation to listening and reflection
facilitated by the Rev. Valerie Bailey Fischer, Chaplain to the College
via Zoom
Thursday, April 23
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Registration required, register below.

This Zoom Meeting is a listening space to reflect on the present global pandemic and distance learning environment with others who love their vocation as teachers, mentors and supporters of young adults between 18 – 25 in a liberal arts college setting. How has this experience led you to reflect on your role at Williams and your own undergraduate experience? Share your thoughts and ideas for adapting and managing supporting students during a global pandemic.