Performance Evaluations Step-by-Step

Throughout the following instructions, we’ll refer to the person who is writing the performance evaluation as the supervisor and the person who is being evaluated as the employee.

  1. Update Job Description.  Both the supervisor and the employee should review the current job description for the employee to be sure it is updated.  The supervisor makes the final decision on what is included in the job description.  If the job description is changed, the updated version should be emailed to [email protected].  Please use the current Position Description Template.
  2. Employee Self-Evaluation.  The supervisor should send the employee a copy of the self-evaluation form and give them a deadline for completing it.  This should be treated like any other work assignment.  If it is not completed on time or if the quality of the self-evaluation does not meet the supervisor’s expectation, that can be the subject of performance-based feedback.
  3. Writing the Evaluation.  Once the supervisor has the self-evaluation, they can use it as one source of information in writing the review.  The supervisor should also consider meeting notes, work products from throughout the year in writing the evaluation.  They may also want to consult colleagues, clients or others who would have valuable insight into the employee’s performance.
  4. Share the Written Evaluation.  In most cases, it makes sense to share the written evaluation a day or two in advance of the meeting to discuss it, so that the employee has time to read it thoroughly and reflect on it.
  5. Meet to Discuss the Evaluation.  You should then meet to discuss the evaluation.  This conversation is the core of the performance evaluation process.  There should be opportunities for both the supervisor and the employee to share their perspective.  There should not be any distractions during this meeting.
  6. Edit the Evaluation.  As a result of the conversation and exchange of views, the supervisor may want to make some final edits to it before it is signed.
  7. Signatures.  The employee may wish to write a response to the review in the space indicated in the form, or to attach a more lengthy response to it.  Once this is complete, the employee and the supervisor both sign it.  The document is then forwarded upward in the chain of command until it receives the signature of the relevant member of senior staff.  Once these signatures are obtained, the evaluations should be forwarded to the Human Resources Office, to the attention of the HR Assistant.