TOP-10 LinkedIn Mistakes to Avoid (12/5)

What: Online presentation

When: December 5, 12-1 pm

For: Any spouses/partners and/or employees

Registration: Via Plus One Network platform


LinkedIn is a powerful tool to share your professional activity, interests and identity, no matter your field of work (yes, even if it’s academia or the arts). In this quick lunchtime presentation, we will go over some of the most obvious ways we miss out- or mess up- presenting ourselves via this platform.

You’ll leave with some new ideas for how to tweak your profile, taking into account all sorts of settings, plus you will make some new connections with other Plus One Network users.

Presenter: Cecilia Hirsch, Spouse/Partner Resources Manager at Williams College. In her work, she is regularly advising job-seekers and/or those in career and life transition how to build their optimal LinkedIn profile.